Presenting your QI Project

"Pitching" your QI Project

Presenting the idea for a research, QI or other quality project is a skill worth developing.  A "pitch" is a succinct summary of a project idea with just enough detail to convince your listeners that you know what you're doing, while keeping the presentation brief and to-the-point.

For a QI project, there are a few highlights to hit:

Example QI Pitch Presentation:

QI Project Pitch - Chartreuse Team

Final Presentation Basics

In a presentation about quality improvement - you want to discuss the whole process - not just highlight the results.

Remember, the RESULTS of most quality improvement activities aren't generalizable - it's the story of the methods and processes and challenges that you went through that make your project interesting to a wider audience.

Balance that with the need to present well and be concise.

Final Presentation Content

In your presentations, please cover the following items.  You'll remember them from our first discussion on Quality Improvement Models.


Addendum: Continuous Quality Improvement Based on Scorecard Measures

How does this presentation differ when you have a scorecard quality metric you're tasked with improving?

Presentation Method

How many slides?

The content above is at least 10 slides. 

Tell the story to the audience. 

More about Presentations

See the videos and example slide show below.

Avoiding Death by Powerpoint - main points:

1.  One message per slide

2,  Use contrast on your slides to focus people on your point

3.  Use (text) size to focus people on your point

4.  Avoid sentences (use 1-2 word bullets instead)

5.  Use a dark background

6.  Use a maximum of six elements (total - pictures, words, etc) per slide

QI Presentation Example - Chartreuse Team
Scorecard QI Presentation Example - Chartreuse Team