Grading Evidence

Evidence grading systems in the wild

"Evidence Blocks"

A system in oncology (from the National Comprehensive Cancer Network) for evaluating new chemotherapies. See ARTICLE.

(tip o' the hat to Kareem Royes for this one...)

GRADE system

The GRADE system ( evaluates the strength of the evidence found in the research literature about a clinical question.

GRADE is used in many contemporary guidelines to increase the "evidence-based-ness" of the guideline.

  • It helps authors of guidelines understand the evidence they use to make clinical recommendations

  • It helps readers and users of guidelines understand the strength of the evidence behind the clinical recommendations.

GRADE is a system for assigning both a "level of evidence" and a "grade (strength) of recommendation".

While the definitions of these terms aren't strictly codified, there is a general understanding that:

  • level of evidence refers to the appraisal of a SINGLE study report - its validity, results, applicability, etc.

    • in GRADE, this is high, moderate, low, or very low

  • grade (strength) of recommendation refers to the quality of evidence behind a clinical recommendation

    • in GRADE, this is both the validity of the evidence (which gives us an idea of the certainty of the benefit/risk) and the magnitude of the evidence (the benefit vs. the harm)