Information Mastery Curriuclum

EBM definition

EBM Definition and Model

To make better clinical decisions, be conscientious, explicit and judicious in integrating clinical research evidence with patient values and clinical expertise.

Hierarchy of Evidence and Grading

Hierarchy of Evidence and Grading

Evidence comes in many forms, but certain study types lead to more confidence in evidence-based recommendations. 

Usefulness POEMs DOEs

Usefulness Equation, POEMS and DOES

The usefulness of any medical information increases with its relevance and validity, and decreases with the amount of work required to obtain and assess it. 

Prioritize new information that concerns outcomes that patients care about - morbidity, mortality and quality of life. 

Pre-appraised Sources and Systematic Reviews

Pre-appraised sources and Systematic Reviews

If you need shortcuts to obtain medical information, use resources that do not use shortcuts.

Similarity between groups

Similarity between groups

Most of the validity concerns in studies involve methods to ensure that the groups compared are as similar as possible except for the exposure or intervention of interest.



When assessing a body of evidence about a question, it's best if the studies are as homogeneous as possible with regard to settings, interventions and outcomes.


Comparators (including Reference Standards)

Think carefully about the comparators in studies (placebos, other agents, sham surgeries, reference standards) to ensure a fair comparison.


Diagnostic Test Characteristics (2x2 table)

The performance of a diagnostic test can be described from different perspectives and can vary with pre-test probability

Bayesian Inference and Likelihood Ratios

Bayesian Inference (likelihood ratios)

Diagnosis is an exercise in probability, not certainty.  Use Bayesian reasoning to answer the question "Will this test change my management?" 

Magnitude of Benefit

Magnitude of Benefit (ARR, NNT, effect size)

The best understanding of the benefit of an intervention is achieved with Absolute Risk Differences and Number Needed to Treat

Estimation of Error (p-value/CI)

Estimation of Error (P-value, confidence interval)

Statistics are used to tell us when our study results should be generalized to the whole population, and the possibility of error in those assumptions. 



Examine how similar your patient is to the subjects of the study, and consider the feasibility of the evidence for your practice.


Multivariable analysis and adjustment

Examine how similar your patient is to the subjects of the study, and consider the feasibility of the evidence for your practice.


OR vs. RR vs. RRR

Relative statistics are commonly presented; try to understand their implications for the magnitude of benefit.



Distinguish between Standards, Guidelines and Options and examine the role of evidence in each.

EBM - Critical Appraisal

Basics of Critical Appraisal

EBM - Studies about therapy

Studies about therapy

How to be an “Evidence-Based” Physician

How to be an "evidence-based" physician (part 1)

How can I be more evidence-based n’ stuff?

How can I be more evidence-based 'n' stuff? (part 2)

Skepticism, honesty, curiosity, commitment

How not to be a sucker

How not to be a sucker

Hunting and Foraging

Hunting and Foraging

Nourishing the evidence-based mind.

Questions and Outcomes

Questions and Outcomes

Self-study module.

Thinking Like a Doctor

Thinking like a doctor

Epistemology - how we know what we know

Journal Club Intro

Journal Club Introduction