EBM Teaching Resources
A brief slide presentation covering the following topics:
Differentiating FOREGROUND and BACKGROUND questions
Forming the best questions for specific study types
Defining "patient-oriented evidence" and contrasting it to "disease-oriented evidence"
pre-appraised sources, guidelines and systematic reviews
15 or so short slide-based talks on Information Mastery concepts - I use these at the end of journal clubs for 5-10 minute talks
A three-tiered "journal club" curriculum based on American Family Physician reviews.
Keeping up and finding answers
Hunting, foraging, sporting and retracing
Is this everything? ;-)
An interesting TED (tm) talk about the principles of EBM and Information Mastery
Evidence-based Diagnosis
Evidence-Based Diagnosis in Primary Care - a full-text Google Book
The "10 Commandments" of Evidence-Based Diagnosis - a EBHC listserve collaborative document